In my faith background, Christmas is a big deal. The day your Savior is born tends to be the ultimate beginning. Nothing that follows, including his death, could happen without that first day. Also, in my faith, we follow a calendar almost to a flaw. As if we can better preserve the magic of that day by rarely mentioning it…. Read More
The Man in the Crowd
Isabel Wilkerson’s book, Caste, begins with Wilkerson’s description of a moment captured in black and white, a snapshot from the Third Reich era called The Man in the Crowd. “It is a picture taken in Hamburg, Germany, in 1936, of shipyard workers, a hundred or more, facing the same direction in the light of the sun. They are heiling in… Read More
Color Blind.
Did you see this episode of This Is Us? Randall is putting into words what he has been sensing regarding his race and role in society. He has a function that feels and looks vastly different than that of his white siblings and parents’ roles. Jack is assuring his son, Randall, that when he looks at Randall, he does not… Read More
The Confiteor: My Confession
The truth is that systemic racism impacts not only people of color but all of us—and every single day. We may all drink out of the same water fountains, but the old ways remain deeply rooted in our systems. Until adequately addressed, we cannot sort things out for people of color or our country.